Friday, 1 April 2011

April Fools' Day: Joke ideas

The simple toilet trick 
It only takes 10 seconds, but the simple jokes are always the best. Switch the signs on the men’s and women’s toilets in the office and then sit back and admire all the confusion from those not accustomed to the layout of the restrooms for the rest of the day. 

Switch work phone lines 
Another simple put effective prank – switch your colleagues’ phone lines but leave their phones in the same place and watch as they receive calls for each other all day and struggle to work out what is going. 

Pen glue prank 
In this digital world the mighty pen is no longer the force it used to be, but for many of your colleagues it’s still an essential tool in their working day. What better way to wind them up then than to clue all the pen lids on every pen on their desk and enjoy their anger at being unable to open any of their pens through the working day. 

Mouse error 
For your work mates who are fully integrated in the online environment, transfer the trick from their pens to their computer mouse and remove the tracker ball, therefore making the mouse impossible to use properly. 

The error screen 
Nothing strikes fear into the heart of an office worker more than the dreaded Blue Screen of Death. The apparent terminal error message can easily be acquired through a simple Google search. Take a grab and then set it as your colleague’s background or screen-saver and watch the panic in their eyes when then return to their terminal to find their computer in a world of trouble. 

The ultimate smirking clown 
The greatest trick of all is surely to do nothing at all but convince everyone you’ve pulled a series of ‘hilarious’ pranks. Spend all day back grinning and giggling to yourself, while dropping the odd comment like: ‘Are you sure you want to do that?’ or ‘I wouldn’t go in there if I was you’. Your colleagues will go crazy with paranoia and be unable to concentrate on their work all day. 

On the run 
This one is for before work and requires a slight cost, but nothing major. Buy yourself a simple prison boiler suit outfit and then spend the morning banging on your neighbour’s doors asking to use their phones because you’re ‘on the run from the police’. However, be prepared to inform them it’s just a joke before the prank gets out of hand and you really find yourself being tracked down by the local constabulary.

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