Quick Take: Rescue Me, "Mutha"
“Isn't Gwyneth Paltrow's kid named after an apple?” - Tommy
“Isn't Gwyneth Paltrow's kid named after an apple?” - Tommy

Review: Rescue Me, "Mutha"(S0701) I have been watching Rescue Me since it premiered and I still can't get used to the fantasy sequences. They are always unsettling to me and what makes them worse is that I can completely imagine that happening to somebody and believing they are real.
It's not often that I find myself agreeing with Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) but he makes a valid point. The Gavin family and all who surround them are nowhere near normal. Doesn't Janet (Andrea Roth) realize that trying to run over the father of her born and unborn children is a dead giveaway? I would think she would have embraced this long ago.
One of my favorite things about Rescue Me is their ability to get away with saying really inflammatory things, Whether it's racist, sexist, or even anti-American, the show pulls no punches and gets away with it every time. I suppose that is part of the brilliance of setting the show in a firehouse where guys say whatever they feel knowing that a conversation may be their last.
It seems that Tommy didn't know how good he had it when he had two hot ladies fighting over him. Now they have joined forces and in doing so he's become the odd man out. I will give them credit for realizing that they can get Tommy to do all the things he was doing before (pay bills, go shopping, watch kids, etc.) without begging for his attention or even having sex with him, which is probably the biggest tragedy of all. The no sex part I mean.
While I'm speaking of sex, it's really nice to see Callie Thorne back on TV in something worthy of her talents. I know this season is already shot and wrapped but at least I can pretend that this is the only show she's on for now and when Necessary Roughness is off the air, this is what I'll remember her for.
I like seeing that Colleen (Natalie Distler) has gotten sober as that song was getting a little overplayed. I only hope that her sobriety is dealt with as honestly as her dependency since alcoholism is and has been one of the most compelling things about this show. Having her go off the wagon after getting engaged is a good start.
As with many season premieres, this episode was mostly filled with set-ups: Sean and Colleen's engagement, Tommy and Janet's new baby and weeks with no fires are all set-ups for some real shit storms and, I, for one, can't wait.
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