Spoiler: Big Brother 13 HOH Winner For Week 7 Revealed
After the CBS broadcast went off the air, the live HOH competition continued onthe live feeds. For those of you who weren’t able to catch the live episode on CBS, Jeff, Jordan, Shelly, Rachel, Adam, Porsche, and Kalia were given small measuring-size cups and needed to run across a slippery surface and transfer liquid from their large barrel on one end to a large sized glass bowl across from it. The new HOH was crowned once the ball was actually grabbed from the bowl.
If you want to find out what happened during the live feeds and who will be your next Head of Household, keep reading ahead.
In the early goings once the live feed returned, everyone was at about the same level with the outgoing HOH, Daniele, noticing how close everyone was. The equal game, however, came to an end just minutes after as Big Jeff took the lead in the game. Jeff also had an incident where he started choking quite badly on the soap as bubbles poured on him. He joked that maybe he should vomit in his container.
Porsche was the person that seemed to be in second place, but clearly far enough where she likely wasn’t going to beat Jeff. At the end of the competition, it was indeed Jeff who won the HOH, and is the next person who has power in the BigBrother 13 house. After the competition, Dani says that she had a similar HOH competition in her season except the bowl was much bigger. Adam says that he wouldn’t have been able to do this if he didn’t lose all the weight that he did, and says his ankles hurt.
Check out more detailed competition results here.

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