Thursday, 15 September 2011

michaele salahi kidnapped, salahi, egotastic, holly and blake, entourage

Michaele Salahi abducted? No, just on a Journey

Tareq Salahi and his wife Michaele Salahi, reality TV stars who gained infamy as the so-called White House gate crashers, grabbed headlines on Wednesday when he reported his wife was abducted, and she later contacted law enforcement officials to say she was fine and didn't want him to know her whereabouts.
A spokeswoman for the rock band Journey said Michaele and the group's guitarist Neal Schon were together in Memphis for a concert. "Nobody kidnapped her," said the spokeswoman.
The FBI and law enforcement officials are investigating.
The mix-up, if that is what it was, began late Tuesday when Tareq Salahi contacted local authorities claiming Michaele was missing and had left their house without taking any belongings. He believed she was abducted, according to media reports.
But in a news conference outside the Salahi residence on Wednesday afternoon, a sheriff's official from Warren County, Virginia said Michaele Salahi told their department she left with a good friend, was where she wanted to be and did not want her husband to know, according to Kris Van Cleave, a reporter for the local ABC TV station, who spoke to Reuters.
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